Parking Lot Reminders
Let's be careful out there!

Greetings Marshall Lane parents,
Week 2 is off to a really good start! Here are a couple of gentle reminders around morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up that will ease congestion in the parking lots and at the gates:
At morning drop off:
-Please use the upper gate for 4th and 5th grade drop off only
-Please use the lower gate only for K-3 drop off
Parents and students are allowed on campus 10 minutes before the start of school and teachers open their classroom doors 3 minutes before the final bell, so maintaining separate lower and upper entrances allows us to have appropriate supervision in place at the time your student arrives at school.
What should you do if you have a lower grade and an upper grade student to drop off? Please use the upper gate to drop off your 4th/5th grader and come to the lower gate to drop off your K-3 student.
At afternoon pick-up, if you have a lower grade and an upper grade student to pick up, please have your upper grade student exit the lower gate to meet their sibling for pick up in the lower lot.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation. My hope is that these adjustments will help us maintain a safe, supervised space in the mornings and reduce the traffic congestion in the upper lot during the afternoon.
If you have questions, please reach out to us in the office so we can help.
Patrick Sieler
Principal, Marshall Lane Elementary School