Welcome New School Site Council Members
Announcing our new SSC members!

We are pleased to announce two seats have been filled on our School Site Council following our recent election. Please read their bios below and join me in welcoming Partha Ray and Amilia Fugman! Our first SSC meeting is scheduled for October 24 at 2:45. Thank you to all who participated in the election!
Partha Ray:
As the son of a university professor and as faculty at a Stanford program myself, I am very interested in education and development. I'll have kids at Marshall Lane for the next 7 years and would love to contribute to the school and its programs (and see results) over that time. The School Site Council (SSC) appears set up to make meaningful choices about resource allocation and programs for the school, and requires a level of commitment that I can manage. I'd bring 25 years of professional experience from both academia and industry to the council if I joined. Thanks for your consideration.
Amilia Fugman:
My name is Amilia Fugman. My son, Isaac, began TK this year. However, I am not new to the Campbell Union School District. Both of my middle schoolers attended CUSD schools from K through 5. I have been an active volunteer both in and out of the classroom, held several (including President) PTA Board positions, was Volunteer of the Year for Village School in 2021, represented our elementary school on the Superintendent Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) for several years and have subbed in the Campbell school district for five years. All of this is to say that I am engaged and motivated and keen to support the school, teachers and our students to ensure that every child is nurtured and supported. Thank you for considering me.