Marshall Lane Elementary School

School News

Updated Thu, Oct 5th

Covid Home Testing Kits & Instructions

Marshall Lane Parents,

Yesterday your child brought home (2) Covid Test Kits courtesy of CUSD. Instructions for when to test were included on a BRIGHT ORANGE PAPER and are outlined below.

If your child was absent during kit distribution, please stop into the school office either today or tomorrow before 3:30PM to pick up their test kits. For those families currently out of town, you may pick up your child's test kit and administer it to them on their first day back to school following the break. While testing takes just a few minutes, be sure to allow plenty of time so that your student is not tardy getting to class.

To protect our students and staff from the spread of communicable disease, we ask that you do not send your child to school when they are sick. In addition to making sure your child is in good health, which includes being symptom, medication & fever free for 24-hrs please use the kits provided to test your child for COVID (even if no symptoms are present). Parents are asked to test students twice using the following schedule:

  • 1st test: Sunday, April 10th 
  • 2nd test: Tuesday, April 12th 

If your child is ill or has a positive test result from either test, please notify the school 24-hr attendance line by calling 408-341-7076 and follow the appropriate quarantine procedures.  

Thank you and have a restful and wonderful Spring Break! 

Updated Mon, Apr 11th

On Saturday, March 26th, our incredible PTA organized and conducted our first STEAM Day in two years. If you attended, you know what an amazing experience it was!!!  SO many families came out to enjoy the lovely weather and all of the wonderful activities that were presented including coding activities, art activities, engineering activities, hands on experiences with chickens, reptiles, and other small animals, science fair projects, and much more!

These are the kinds of experiences that our PTA has traditionally organized for our school. It is wonderful to see it happening again! 

If you enjoyed this event, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Marshall Lane Education Fund (MLEF) so that our PTA can continue to fund these same kinds of opportunities for our students and our community. Donations can be made through the PTA website by clicking hereEven if you were unable to attend, but you support the PTA efforts to enrich the experiences for all of us at school, please consider donating. Thank you!

Updated Fri, Apr 8th

Did your students come home on Thursday and tell you about the awesome outdoor assembly on Thursday? The BMX Stunt Masters travel all over the United States performing these fun assemblies. The students really enjoyed seeing all of the tricks and witnessing one of the riders jumping over some staff members!  Ask them about it! An additional educational component of the assembly was a review of bike safety and some information about social-emotional learning traits that are important for success in life. All in all, a great time was had by all!

A special thanks to our generous PTA for sponsoring this awesome experience for all of our children. Coming up next month is another author assembly and the Taiko Drummers! If you would like to see opportunities like this continue for our students, please consider donating to the PTA of the Marshall Lane Education Fund so that there will be money to support these activities during the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you!!

 That is our very own Mrs. Gill in the middle and Mrs. Spencer on the right - very brave ladies!

Updated Fri, Apr 8th

After two years of not participating in standardized testing, California has returned to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) which is better known as Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium assessments (SBAC) and the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC).

Students who are English Language Learners began the ELPAC tests this week. SBAC testing will begin on April 19th and go through May 20th. Teachers have divided the tests up into chunks so that they are administered over a longer period of time instead of concentrating it into a limited number of days.

It is important for students to be at school on time every day, but especially during testing. Your children should eat a good breakfast and bring a healthy snack. A good night’s sleep will help them to be awake and alert so that they will do their best on the tests. Lastly, please do not schedule any regular doctor or dentist appointments during this time, especially during the morning hours, if at all possible. We appreciate you working with us to provide the best possible environment for your child to be successful with state testing. Thank you!


Updated Fri, Apr 8th

A huge thank you to everyone who is an approved volunteer. Our students have benefitted from the work that you are doing at our school both inside and outside the classrooms.

One area of need continues to be at lunch time. Volunteers are needed to help with supervision on the playgrounds and in the eating area from 11:10 to 1:14 every day. Let us know if you can help on any of the days for all or during part of lunch time. Thank you!!


Updated Fri, Apr 8th

Dear Marshall Lane Community Members,

After having spent over 25 years working in education and the last 10 years at Marshall Lane, I will be retiring after the school year ends in June. It is with mixed emotions that I share this with you and it certainly hasn’t begun to sink in yet. However, I wanted to provide the Campbell Union School District with ample time to find a person to lead Marshall Lane Elementary School into the future.

Working in this outstanding district and with the incredible Marshall Lane staff has been a true pleasure for me. At this point in my life, I am choosing to spend time engaging in interests that I have previously not had enough time to pursue. 

My promise to all of you is that I will continue to do my best every day for the rest of the school year to support our students, the Marshall Lane staff, and our generous community. Once a new leader is chosen, I will work with the new person to share the strengths of our school, the rich history of our community, and to brainstorm how to best move forward.

I want you to know that I truly appreciate all of the support that I have received at Marshall Lane. We are all fortunate to have an experienced and highly dedicated staff who work hard every day to do their best for your children. It has been one of the highlights of my career to be able to work with this staff and our community. Thank you for all that you have done to make the last ten years so wonderful. I hope that you will continue to support our school for the time that your children are at Marshall Lane. Take good care of yourself and your families.


Priscilla Spencer


Updated Fri, Apr 8th

As you may already know, there are changes to the mandatory mask mandate that will take place at Marshall Lane beginning on March 14th. While mask wearing is still highly recommended for anyone who has not been vaccinated or who has a risk factor, it will no longer be mandatory to wear masks indoors or outdoors. Some students are expressing excitement about this change while others are saying that they are still concerned.

At Marshall Lane, we promote acceptance and kindness through our social/emotional programs that are currently in place. We will be discussing with our students that continuing to wear a mask or not is a choice. Based on each family’s context, some people may choose to wear a mask so as not to expose older adults, younger children, or anyone with a medical condition. We do not allow teasing or bullying for any reason.

Vaccines have been shown to reduce community spread of the disease and to protect others. If you have not yet been vaccinated, please consider doing so at this time!

There is a free vaccine clinic happening at Rolling Hills Middle School on Wednesday, March 9th, after dismissal. For more vaccine locations in Santa Clara County, go to or call 2-1-1.

Updated Fri, Apr 8th

Do you want to honor your 5th grader to congratulate them for all of their hard work in elementary school? How about a dedication with photos of them in this year’s yearbook?

This is your LAST CALL to purchase your 5th grader a dedication for the 2021-2022 yearbook as orders are due THIS FRIDAY MARCH 4, 2022. Quantities for sizes are limited and available on a first come, first serve basis.

  1. Purchase online at 

  2. Within a few days of your purchase, you will receive an email invitation from Lifetouch to create your dedication. 

  3. You will have until Friday March 11, 2022  to submit your dedication through Lifetouch in order to have it printed in this year’s yearbook.

Already purchased a dedication? - Make sure to submit for approval BEFORE FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2022 (TWO WEEKS), so it can be printed in this year's book. 

Make sure to pre-order your 5th grader a yearbook so they can see the dedication - $30.00  School Code 14508522

Not sure if you purchased a dedication or a yearbook? Email the yearbook coordinator at yearbook [at] to find out. Thank you!

Updated Fri, Apr 8th

After not being able to produce a yearbook last year, we are bringing back this great tradition!!  Our dedicated yearbook committee has been hard at work to create memories of the 2021-2022 school year for our students. Don’t miss out!!  Here is some information for purchasing a yearbook and creating special 5th grade dedications to be published.

To purchase yearbooks, use this information to pre-order this special book of memories!

They are only $30! Log on to  School Code 14508522

There are just TWO WEEKS LEFT to purchase your personal 5th grade dedication for the 2021-2022 yearbook. Dedications are personalized recognition ads that parents purchase to show pride in their student’s accomplishments. Dedications will be published in the 2021 - 2022 school yearbook if purchased by Friday, March 4, 2022. Directions for how to purchase are below:

  1. Purchase dedications online at 

  2. Within a few days of your purchase, you will receive an email invitation from Lifetouch to create your dedication. 

  3. You will have until Friday March 11, 2022  to submit your dedication through Lifetouch in order to have it printed in this year’s yearbook.

Already purchased a dedication - make sure to submit for approval BEFORE FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2022 so it can be printed in this year's book. 

Not sure if you purchased a dedication? Have questions? Email the yearbook coordinator at yearbook [at] 


Updated Fri, Apr 8th

Does your child ever come home without their jacket, sweater, or sweatshirt? Have they lost a lunch box, snack container, or water bottle?  Our Lost and Found cart is overflowing with items that are missing their owners!

Items can be claimed before school any day this week or the week after the President’s Day holiday. Parents may enter campus in the morning before school begins and look on the cart near the staff lounge for any missing items. Students may check out the Lost & Found for their items 

To clean off our Lost & Found cart, we will be donating any leftover items to a local charity on 

March 1st. If any parent is willing to help pack up and transport items to a charity, please email Mrs. Spencer at pspencer [at] campbellusd.orgpspencer [at] () to volunteer. Thank you!!