Marshall Lane Elementary School

Changes Ahead: Get Vaccinated to Be Ready!


As you may already know, there are changes to the mandatory mask mandate that will take place at Marshall Lane beginning on March 14th. While mask wearing is still highly recommended for anyone who has not been vaccinated or who has a risk factor, it will no longer be mandatory to wear masks indoors or outdoors. Some students are expressing excitement about this change while others are saying that they are still concerned.

At Marshall Lane, we promote acceptance and kindness through our social/emotional programs that are currently in place. We will be discussing with our students that continuing to wear a mask or not is a choice. Based on each family’s context, some people may choose to wear a mask so as not to expose older adults, younger children, or anyone with a medical condition. We do not allow teasing or bullying for any reason.

Vaccines have been shown to reduce community spread of the disease and to protect others. If you have not yet been vaccinated, please consider doing so at this time!

There is a free vaccine clinic happening at Rolling Hills Middle School on Wednesday, March 9th, after dismissal. For more vaccine locations in Santa Clara County, go to or call 2-1-1.