Marshall Lane Elementary School


Get yours today

Do you want to honor your 5th grader to congratulate them for all of their hard work in elementary school? How about a dedication with photos of them in this year’s yearbook?

This is your LAST CALL to purchase your 5th grader a dedication for the 2021-2022 yearbook as orders are due THIS FRIDAY MARCH 4, 2022. Quantities for sizes are limited and available on a first come, first serve basis.

  1. Purchase online at 

  2. Within a few days of your purchase, you will receive an email invitation from Lifetouch to create your dedication. 

  3. You will have until Friday March 11, 2022  to submit your dedication through Lifetouch in order to have it printed in this year’s yearbook.

Already purchased a dedication? - Make sure to submit for approval BEFORE FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2022 (TWO WEEKS), so it can be printed in this year's book. 

Make sure to pre-order your 5th grader a yearbook so they can see the dedication - $30.00  School Code 14508522

Not sure if you purchased a dedication or a yearbook? Email the yearbook coordinator at yearbook [at] to find out. Thank you!