Message from the Principal
Important Information from Mr. Sieler

Hi Marshall Lane Parents,
Thank you all for helping to make our first day of school get off to such a smooth start! I hope your student had a very successful first day of school.
Our first day revealed some areas we'll be fine-tuning—like student pick-up and drop-off. To help us smooth out some of the kinks, please remember to park in designated areas and keep accessible parking spots available for those who are in need.
At the end of the school day, students will be walked out the to pick up area by their teacher. At the lower lot, Grades 1-3 will be escorted to the steps at the pick up area by their teacher. Please use your windshield name placard to help teachers reunite you with your child as quickly as possible.
If you are meeting your 1st-3rd grade student at the pick up area, please wait at the benches away from the main office breezeway. We'd really like to keep the breezeway area clear of as much traffic as possible for a calm and orderly Kindergarten pick-up.
Thank you again for helping us get the 2022-23 school year at Marshall Lane off to a great start! As always, reach out to us in the main office if you have questions or concerns.
Patrick Sieler
Principal, Marshall Lane Elementary School