Marshall Lane Elementary School

Happy 100th Day of School!

We made it!

Today is a day to celebrate!!!  After having students out on distance learning for the majority of the last school year, it is wonderful to have everyone back on campus for the past 100 days! Although we still need to maintain the mitigating factors that we have put into place to try to avoid spreading the virus, being back at school has been a gift for all of us!


Thank you for your continuing support for your children and for the Marshall Lane staff, We truly appreciate ALL of your efforts! Let’s continue to work together to make the next 80 days of school the best that they can be!!  


Please make sure that your children are at school on time every day. Keep them home if they are symptomatic and limit taking school days off for family trips. This will ensure that your children will be able to make the most of  the time that is left in this school year. Have a great day!