Marshall Lane Memo

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Add Your Voice to Decisions With Jan. 18 School Experience Survey

Superintendent Viramontez has a message about how survey results lead to changes in schools.

kindergarten girls and boys gather at a table to see and touch items from nature, like leaves, pine cones, and more.

Starting January 18th, families, students and staff are invited to participate in the district’s annual survey. The survey asks for feedback around student learning, school safety, sense of belonging and more.

Parents and guardians will receive links via email and ParentSquare. Students in grades 3-8 will participate during specific class sessions.

If you have questions, please contact the school office.

District Earns Common Sense District Certification for Digital Citizenship Education

Teaching digital citizenship to prepare students for the opportunities and challenges of the digital age

male teacher stands at white board that has the words Digital Citizen as several students sit on the floor listening to him

Campbell Union School District's commitment to safety and innovation is evident in its proactive approach to teaching digital citizenship, and earned it the prestigious Common Sense District certification. The distinction acknowledges the district’s commitment to preparing students to be critical thinkers who use technology to create rather than being passive consumers of online content. 

“We frequently discuss our responsibility for preparing our students for their yet-to-be-defined futures, and navigating and leveraging technology effectively is a big part of that," said District Superintendent Shelly Viramontez. “Digital media and technology are evolving rapidly, and digital citizenship skills are essential for students as they unlock extraordinary opportunities and learn to navigate and avoid potential risks. That's why we are dedicated to providing spaces for students to think critically,  innovate, and use technology responsibly to learn, create, and thrive.”

Campbell Union School District's 12 schools join over 80,000 schools nationwide in using Common Sense Education's resources. Our middle schools integrate digital citizenship into their Technology PBIS lessons, and digital citizenship is a foundational part of our Innovation lessons in CUSD’s elementary grades.

“We applaud the faculty and staff for embracing digital citizenship as an important part of their students' education,” said Kelly Mendoza, Vice President of Education Programs at Common Sense Education. She commended CUSD for its whole-community approach to preparing students for the digital age, and the importance of addressing online challenges such as plagiarism, loss of privacy, and cyberbullying.

“We're honored to be recognized as a Common Sense District," said Coordinator of Innovation, Teaching & Learning Julie Goo, who has been instrumental in assuring that digital citizenry is integrated into the district’s Art, Innovation, and Music (AIM) program. “We are empowering learners to apply our Profile of a Graduate competencies as they create digitally and design solutions to current and future challenges.”

Learn more about the district’s integrated inclusion of digital citizenship on the Art, Innovation, and Music Blog:

Common Sense is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a world of media and technology. Common Sense Education's research-based resources, developed in collaboration with Project Zero researchers, are used in classrooms across all 50 states, impacting over 50,000 schools and half a million educators. To see all of Common Sense Education’s resources, visit

Winter Season Brings Good Deeds and Good Wishes

Message From Dr. Viramontez, District Superintendent

District logo with blue background and snowflakes

All of us in Campbell Union School District are grateful to be part of this caring community. 

Please click here for a special message from Superintendent Shelly Viramontez.

Our schools will be closed for Winter Break, December 18 through January 1, and we wish everyone a happy, safe and restful two weeks. We look forward to resuming teaching and learning when we return on January 2nd.

District Breaks Language Barriers for Diverse Families

School and Family Partnership is Vital to Student Success

In a proactive approach to inclusivity, Campbell Union School District is tackling language barriers for its diverse community. With over 50 different languages spoken among district families, the initiative helps all families engage with and support their student’s success at school.

“Except in our dual immersion school, all student instruction is provided in English. That presents an extra hurdle for students whose primary language is not English,” said English Language Development Program Coordinator Denise Kilpatrick. “Our district is committed to making educational content accessible for all students and actively involving their families in the learning process.”

Because the district is committed to two-way communication, it provides a range of resources to facilitate it, including on-demand interpreters and translators for employee requests, language preference settings on ParentSquare for personalized communication, and multilingual options for school newsletters. A phone interpretation service, Language Scientific, facilitates real-time conversations, ensuring effective communication between parents and teachers.

To further bridge the gap, some schools are piloting web translation applications. These tools aid newcomer students in accessing classroom lessons and provide families with an additional avenue for obtaining information to support their children's learning at home.

Caption: Multicultural events and celebrations, like this one at Forest Hill, are another way our schools embrace partnering with parents and encourage family involvement in student learning. See short video.

District Takes a Stand in Class Action Suit Against Meta

Combating social media risks and advocating for student wellbeing

unhappy adolescent girl looking at her phone as two others behind her look and laugh at her

Campbell Union School District has officially joined a class action lawsuit against Meta, alleging that their products are intentionally designed to be addictive, marketed towards children, and are negatively impacting student mental health, according to District Superintendent Shelly Viramontez. 

“Our teachers and administrators see the adverse effects of social media on children's mental health and learning capabilities every day,” said Dr. Viramontez. “We don’t anticipate any financial gain. We want to raise awareness and combat the harm caused by the seemingly deliberate manipulation of children and youth.”

Multiple studies underscore the risks and behaviors of children who use social media:

  • Nearly 40% of children 8-12 years old use social media. Those are peak years for brain development and risk-taking behavior.
  • Up to 95% of youth age 13-17 report using social media—More than ⅓ say “almost constantly” 
  • Children and adolescents on social media are commonly exposed to extreme, inappropriate, and harmful content.
  • Those spending 3-plus hours/day on social media face twice the risk of poor mental health, including depression and anxiety symptoms. (8th & 10th graders average 3.5 hours/day on it.)
  • Studies limiting use of social media resulted in mental health benefits for young adults.
  • Excessive use is linked to sleep problems, attention problems and feelings of exclusion.

“Our top priorities are ensuring student safety and educating them to their highest potential,” Dr. Viramontez said. “We do that on multiple fronts: We have multiple layers of filters, protocols, and systems to protect students on district-issued devices; we educate our students to be critical thinkers and responsible digital citizens, not passive consumers of media; our middle schools are certified Common Sense Media schools, and we collaborate with families to encourage digital wellness and responsible technology use.”  

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